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This is a group project that I and my fellow classmates dedicated our last two semesters at school too. Each final piece was a collaboration. We laughed, we cried but in the end we created something we could be proud of.  So heres' to us. 


I was part of the character team and I focussed on the costume concepts. This means that I turned in pages and pages of roughs for every final found in the book. While I cannot say that all or even most of my designs made the final cut I am proud to say that I laid a good deal of the foundation. 


I also spent more than a good chunk of time building the social structure of the Bogorite peoples. 


At the start they were the monsters-- a reflection of all the horrors we fear the dark might hold. Perhaps that makes them the truest reflection of humanities history. 


After all it is far easier to imagine villains lurking in shadows than one without ill intent.  


I struggled with this and over time found a way to humanize the demons we had created. 


I did this through the creation of the "Makers" caste. And for that story I suppose you will have to read. 


The Bogorite woman whose journal I wrote is unnamed, because she is what most of us greet when we look in the mirror. She is those of us who see the wrong in the world without understanding its consequences... until of course it effects us personally. 


Below are my pages - the writing was edited (but not re-writen) by a third party.

For this story I lent my soul to a race of people whose mythology denies its existence.

At the bottom you will find the PDF of the full book. It is well over 200 pages and well worth the read. 

    Below is the completed book. Please check it out and feel free to share on social media. The official site for the book is

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